Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BabyCakes Cake Pop Maker...

So I know today is Tuesday, and usually that means I give away some delicious treats to two attentive fans but... this week that is not the case. I mean I planned on it, but the fates decided no free food this week :/ And it's all because of this cute little Cake Pop Maker
It looks simple enough, but quickly turned into a nightmare!

It started out simple enough - I mixed a cake batter, poured it into a Ziploc baggy, preheated my Cake Pop Maker, sprayed some Crisco on there, and I was all ready to go! I think the Ziploc bag may have been my first mistake though. The batter I used was extremely runny (it wasn't one that I normally use, and I didn't add anything extra like I usually do because I figured it would be better to keep things simple for this experiment. Wrong!) and trying to control the flow with a Ziploc bag just made a big mess.
As you can see, the batter leaked out and started oozing all over my counter
And from there, it just got worse:

At this point, I was ready to give up and throw everything in the trash. Or on the floor. Or anywhere, I was so frustrated! But I decided to try another technique. I had read that spooning in the mixture would take too long, and the first ones would cook before you can even fill in the rest, but I was having zero luck with the Ziploc bag so I decided to give it a try. The results were slightly better

But the little cakes were still coming out all lopsided and lumpy and ugh. I ended up making about a million little tiny cakes (okay maybe more like 60) and they were all useless. They are still sitting in a pan in my fridge because I don't have any idea what to do with them.
They kind of look like walnuts. Not cute little cake pops.
But I was already over an hour into this, and I was not about to give up without something to show for my work. So I picked my 12 best little cakes, and attempted to dip them anyways, with all their imperfections
As you can see, they are nowhere near round.
And then with dipping came even more problems. The cakes were so light and fluffy, they had almost no base for the lollipop stick to attach to. So as soon as I tried to dip them, the added weight of the chocolate started pulling them off the stick, and it was all I could do to keep them on. They all came out really messy, with chocolate dripping down the stick and all kinds of problems.
This was the very best one, and you can still see the weird line around
the middle and some dents in the top from not being round :(
So I am sorry fans, but I just couldn't send out such ugly things as representations of my work. Normally my stuff looks a lot nicer, and I didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea haha. Free ugly things do not seem like a good business booster. But I am hoping I will learn with time, and someday I will be able to make nice Babycakes Cake Pops like these
Until then, I will keep practicing, and hopefully next week's Taste Test will be a little bit more succesful :) Sorry guys! But thanks for your patience and understanding!


  1. Thanks for a sharing this post. One of my co-workers purchased one of these and I was wondering how this gadget actually worked. I may have to pick up one myself to try out. If nothing else it will be a nice toy for my nine year old.

  2. Haha I hope you have better luck than I did! I think most people use them to make appetizers and other treats, more often than cake pops. You can also check out http://www.partyfood2go.com she has some good recipes using the Cake Pop Maker
